To many people, grandmas are kind, loving, and funny. That is just the case for Drusilla Wear, known by many people as Deedee. Deedee, like others, is kind, loving and funny, but a lot of people don’t know that she battled skin cancer in 2014
¨I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma in October 2014¨, said Deedee.
Many cancers can be found through tests, but Deedee found hers on her own.
“I had a sore on my scalp that won’t heal. I thought it was because I am diabetic. A friend was concerned that it was more than just a sore. I went to a dermatologist and they did a biopsy that came back as cancer. I was scheduled for a Mohs procedure in November 2014”, said Deedee.
During the surgery Deedee was placed face down on the table. The doctor numbed the back of her head and removed the cancerous area and tissue around it. The area was bandaged and a microscope was used to check the tissue for any renaming cancerous cells. This process was then repeated three times until the doctor got a clear sample. The surgery was complete, but the journey was not
“After the surgery I was going to need radiation. Unfortunately, that was delayed for a while because I started having migraine headaches. Apparently the doctor got very close to a nerve when doing the procedure and I ended up going to the ER numerous times and being admitted to the hospital,” said Deedee, “The most frustrating part of this was that they thought I was seeking drugs and not because I just wanted the headaches to stop.”
After missing many days of work, Deedee was sent to a pain management doctor and a neurologist where she was put on a low dose of medication that has for the most part controlled the headaches. Which meant she was able to go through the next part of treatment, she had 36 doses of radiation.
“My hair will not grow back in the area where I had radiation, so I will wear wigs or hats”, said Deedee.
Deedee’s positive attitude and support system made a huge impact on her recovery.
“I truly believe having a positive attitude is a big part of recovery. Also, my family and friends were always supportive. And having faith that God has a plan for us”, said Deedee.
Deedee has to recheck appointments every three to six months to be safe.
“ Well, I always pray that I stay clear and I try to live each day by trying to be kind”, said Deedee.
Life after cancer can look different for everyone, but for Deedee, she tries to enjoy life to the fullest.
“I’ve had some medical issues, but so far nothing has stopped me. I enjoy going to the grandkids events, spending time with family and just being alive”, said Deedee.