Wheeling Park excels in the variety of extracurricular activities they provide, and is one of the only schools to have a Career Technical Education (CTE) program. A program that is often overlooked is the Graphic Design Department. If you take one look around the school, you will be flooded with graphic design projects.

In Spring of 2021, Miss Melissa Marshall took over the department from Mr. Turbanic. Since being employed at Park for around three years, she has completely revamped the department. Which includes a whole new branding, starting with a new name: Studio 235.
“It’s a very exciting, active program…teaching at Park has been such a full circle moment for me,” teacher Miss Marshall says.
Marshall has worked all over the U.S. yet she felt more at home in Studio 235.
“It felt good to rebirth the program, it’s like a renaissance,” Marshall says.
Starting in the 2023-2024 school year, Marshall now has block classes (2 periods per class) for her department.
“It’s extremely helpful, because with our work it’s hard to get things done in only 45 minutes,” Marshall says.
Several students as a part of the program are very thankful for the comforting and creative environment Marshall creates.
“It’s a great class to work on social skills, learn the fundamentals of design, and what it takes to be in the studio,” senior Katelyn Kuthy says.
Kuthy plans to be a graphic designer in their future and feels very prepared. When asked about preparation skills Kuthy says, “Yeah…It got me into Adobe Illustrator, and it worked on my ability to speak to others”.
Studio 235 is involved not just in Wheeling Park’s activities, but Ohio County in general. They have helped design websites, logos, stickers, posters, etc. They help develop school dance posters and decorations. Just recently they collaborated with several other CTE programs to create trophies for the Wheeling Park Speech and Debate Team “Winter Classic” tournament in early January. Furthermore, graphic design teamed up with Culinary to create designs to go on top of various pastries in October of last year.
Several participants in the program believe they improved since the beginning of the pandemic.
“When I started I couldn’t draw a good eye…now I guess I can say I draw a pretty good eye…and now I get to see the behind the scenes stuff of graphic design,” senior Gavin Evans says.
The graphic design department also accepts anyone, regardless if you see a future in the program.
“Some people come in and think the class is useless, but regardless of your future plans you most likely will have something to do with graphic design… you may have to create a logo for your future company or workplace,” Marshall says.
Studio 235 has also been working on their own publication: The Cluster Magazine. The first print was distributed last year for around $25 per copy. However, there wasn’t much advertisement for it. Now, Marshall explains how they work on it all throughout the year to then be published in the spring.
“This year we started right away…and the magazine isn’t just graphic design we highlight all of the CTE programs,” Marshall says.
Last year’s edition contained student feedback and illustrations of all CTE members. At the drawing board, they were discussing the name when someone suggested using a word with the letters CTE in it. That is how they came to the decision of CLUSTER.
Be on the lookout this spring for the second edition and don’t be afraid to hop into Studio 235!