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The Student News Site of Wheeling Park High School

The Park Press

The Park Press

The Student News Site of Wheeling Park High School

The Park Press


Our Mission

We, the Park Press, a student-run news source, serve Wheeling Park High School and the upper Ohio Valley community.

Writers of the Park Press work inside and outside of school to create articles that are worthwhile and truthful.

We highlight the accomplishments of Wheeling Park and help students’ voices to be heard.

We strive to tell all sides of the story while ultimately leaving it up to the reader to interpret.

As The Park Press, we set the standard for our readers to expect high-quality, accurate news straight from the source on mutlitple platforms including our website, newsmagazine, and social media sites.

Our Story

The Park Press was originally founded in the 1976-1977 school year, Wheeling Park’s first year as a high school. The Press produced news until it was mostly discontinued in 2008, fully stopping production in 2015. But as of the 2022-2023 school year, it has been back up and running.

The Press had 13 members in the first year returning. This year, the staff has jumped to 32 students taking part in Journalism classes I, II, and III. Students in the Press are encouraged to conduct interviews, get quotes, and find new information for their articles daily.

The Press produces a monthly print edition, weekly updated online articles, and even podcasts!

Our program received the First-Time Convention Grant through the Journalism Education Association (JEA) in the 2023-2024 school year. Two of our reporters and our advisor attended the JEA National Conference in Boston in early November where they will collaborate with other students from around the country in various journalism workshops. Carter Bauer received Honorable Mention in Editorial Writing in the JEA National Student Media Contest. 

We have produced 7 Best of SNO articles and continue to grow the program through dedicated student reporters and support from community patrons.

2024-2025 Park Press Leadership

Co-Editors-in-Chief: Carter Bauer and Maliah Miskiewicz

Executive Sports Editor: Lily Brinker

Photo Editor: Elle Terek

Copy Editors:  Andrew Pennybacker, Claire McFadden, Jo Gilbert, Emma Wear, and Evan Border

Social Media Editor: Will Medovic

Assistant Design Editors: London Miller, Ella Wheeler, and JoceLynn McFarland


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