What is a CTE director?
“As a CTE director, I oversee the entire career tech department. This includes over 20 different programs and over 700 students. There are high schools in WV that are smaller than just our career tech department!”
What do you do on an average day as a CTE director ?
“Depending on the time of year, I do a wide variety of things as a CTE director. Much of my job revolves in the finances and budget. Anything one of these teachers orders for their classrooms or shops must be signed off and approved by me. This time of year scheduling students into these CTE classes is a top priority.”
What is the hardest/easiest part or most exciting thing about being the director?
“The hardest part of my job is just learning what I don’t know. Learning how to manage the budget, how to help in the scheduling for next year, approving/organizing field trips, etc. However, it becomes extremely rewarding when students continue their post high school lives in the field they were in in high school.”
What do you wish people knew about the CTE department?
“I want to make sure that students know that the CTE world is for ALL students. Too often, these students have a certain stigma. Typically, they are thought of as students that do not plan on attending college. I want our community to understand that our career tech student body is composed of athletes, college bound students, band members, speech and debaters, etc.”
What does your future of the CTE look like?