As the air becomes colder, the mornings get frostier, and the sun sets at 5 p.m., winter is a time for bundling up by the fire, hanging stockings, and preparing for Christmas time. For some, Christmas is the best time of year due to the undeniable gift-giving that takes place. That some, including me.
I love gift-giving more than anything in the world. As I’ve gotten older, I love nothing more than seeing the smile on my friends and family’s faces when they receive what I’ve given them. I find joy in taking the time to carefully notice what things those who I love, love and make happy. This is my love language.
Though, not everyone are gift-givers. For some, it can cause stress, anxiety, and even fear of rejection of the gift they made/bought.
When you don’t know what to get someone, but you want to get them something, what do you do?
And here’s where my advice comes into play. Themed baskets.
Baskets are a wonderful way to show your love for the person you’re giving it to. It can be a do-it-yourself basket, or a purchased basket from whatever store you choose.
The greatest thing about themed gift baskets is that as everything inside of it is useable, the basket is also useable after. It sounds silly, but having a cute little basket to store your things in is one of those things you don’t realize you want/need until you have it. Extra storage is always nice, and if it can be a cute woven basket to match your personality, even better!
You’re probably a little confused on the whole concept of giving someone a basket for Christmas. What goes in the basket? What kind of basket do you use? How big should the basket be? How much should go in the basket?
Anything you want. The options with themed gift baskets are endless and differ from person to person. For someone who likes skincare and beauty, you can fill your basket with face-masks, nail polish, hair accessories, makeup, and perfume. Or for someone who likes writing and art, you can fill your basket with cute utensils, notebooks, stickers, paint, and stationary supplies.
The theme can even be the person itself. The basket can be based on that specific person, what they love, and things they like.
You can never go wrong with a gift basket, that’s for sure. It’s simple, efficient, and one of the most meaningful gifts you could ever get for someone. Taking the time to notice what your friends and family love and who they are as people is what counts the most. It’s cliche, but it truly is the thought that counts. So remember, when handing someone a gift, they’ll love it no matter what because they love you.
Merry Christmas and happy gift-giving!