Prom 2024 was a night filled with memories and laughs everyone will remember. Looking back on the night, there were many positive reviews and opinions.
The “Under the Stars” theme beautifully decorated the White Palace. The lights hanging from the ceiling, the glasses filled with lights on the tables sprinkled with stars, the big moon, and the arch of blue and gold balloons where you walked in, all made the night even more enchanting.
The White Palace was definitely liked more than the school by students who had gone to prom before. In addition to the exquisite look of prom at the White Palace, students also enjoyed other aspects of the location.
“I loved that Cafe 1925 was open and accessible to us so that we could get a Starbucks drink,” Maggie Hupp, junior, said.
The set-up of the dance was a favorite of some students, as well.
“My favorite part of the dance was how it was divided into an upstairs and downstairs because it allowed everyone to have fun with the music and dancing they preferred, and there was also more space because of the two areas,” Lala Woods, junior, said.
The music itself was much improved from homecoming and previous dances I have attended. The only negatives about prom that many people agreed with were how hot it was and how bright it was from all of the lights.
Overall, it was a joyful night and a fun experience that I will always remember as my first prom!