Everyone understands that sleep is important and all, but they don’t truly grasp the fact and get enough sleep. Some people also don’t realize that there are many different sleep issues someone can have.
How you perform during the day, results from how good of sleep you have been getting. But you can’t rely on only one night of good sleep, you have to continuously get a good night’s sleep. For bodies that are still growing, getting enough sleep is so important because it helps their growth and development.
“I think the main thing with getting good sleep is staying in routine. Trying your best to go to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning. Regular exercise can help you sleep better and try not to eat too late at night,” Mr. Jebbia, a health and phys. ed. teacher gives us some tips on how to get better sleep.
For most high schoolers, it is harder to maintain a good sleep schedule. Most students are in sports, extra curricular activities, or have jobs which causes them to stay up later. Many students wait until the last minute to get their homework completed so try to work on your homework whenever you have free time in school.
“Playing sports can really affect my sleep schedule because of late practices or games. I get around seven hours of sleep at night and my sleep schedule isn’t always routinely as it changes based on the schedule of my sport,” Grace Tamburin said.
According to the American Psychiatric Association, sleeping disorders are caused by many different things and can affect any student. It is important for students to understand and grasp the significance of sleep awareness. The reason for needing to know is getting better sleep helps students to perform better academically, helps them to concentrate, and not getting good sleep could lead to health problems down the road.
There are different types of sleeping disorders that can affect you. There is insomnia which is difficulty falling or staying asleep which can cause you to be drowsy during the day and not perform as well. Following a routine could help you to wind down before bed. Reading a book, taking a warm bath, or soothing music. Doctors can prescribe you better ways or medication if the insomnia continues to worsen.
Another sleeping disorder is narcolepsy which causes overwhelming daytime drowsiness which makes someone fall asleep during the day without warning. It may cause muscle paralysis, loss of muscle control, or muscle weakness. To help with narcolepsy is to continue with a regular sleeping routine. You have to have a doctor diagnosis which they will give you something to help with your narcolepsy.
There is sleep apnea which is where your breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It can be caused by obesity, changes in your hormones, or large tonsils. You need to try to keep a normal sleeping schedule, a healthy weight, and limiting caffeine intake. Yoga and exercise has also been said to help people.
Sticking to a routine of waking up at the same time and going to sleep at the same time each night can help tremendously with getting better sleep. Make sure your room is a perfect place for relaxation and turn off the screens. Exercise is also another great way to make sure your body gets a good rest so it is tired.
The important thing to remember is that if you have any trouble sleeping, you should speak to a trusted adult to possibly get you checked out by a doctor. Some of your sleeping problems could seem little but that could actually be serious or get serious. You matter and so does your health and never be afraid to speak up!