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A Class Act

Acting II rehearses their "10-minute Hamilton" skit in preparation for Class Act.
Acting II rehearses their “10-minute Hamilton” skit in preparation for Class Act.
Jana Schodzinski

As you may know, WPHS is known for its great performing arts program and performances. When you think of this program, some events that may come to mind are the Festival of Sound and the spring musical, but there are many more shows at Park that showcase the talent our students have. One of which is ‘A Class Act’. ‘A Class Act’ is a collection of short performances by a variety of students who partake in the acting classes taught by Mrs. Redd. The students involved have been working very hard to prepare for the show.

The flyer for A Class Act. (Jana Schodzinski)

“Class Act is the final presentation of my Acting I and II classes and the work that we have done throughout the semester. It will be on December 20th from 6-7 pm in the PAC. I’m looking forward to seeing Ayden and Melody do their act. I’m also looking forward to a 10-minute “Hamilton”. We also have a great performance from Gianna, Emma, and Morgan that I’m looking forward to. We have all of the actors in my Acting I and II classes, such as Sam Mason, Ayden Cottrill, Melody Campbell…, Taylor Andrews, Alex Fabrizio, Shelby Gibson, Kristin Pollard…, and we also have many other great actors and actresses. It is a collaboration of our favorite outtakes from the semester. I really hope that you all come! Bring family, bring friends, and I hope that the Park Players and thespians show up! It’ll be a really great show,” says Mrs. Redd, the teacher of Acting I and II, as well as director of ‘A Class Act’.

The Performing Arts Center (Jana Schodzinski)

The performers have been working very hard to get their pieces memorized, blocked, and ready for the stage before December 20th. Here’s what they have to say about the show. 

“Class Act is… where all the people in theater get to show off their talents to their parents, grandparents, and anybody who can’t come to speech tournaments or shows. I like seeing everybody else’s pieces because… you get to see everybody’s different talents. I have not decided yet, but I think I’m going to do a comedy monologue. Right now, in class, we are all deciding the last details of what we’re gonna do. I hope you guys can come because it’s super fun,” says Izabella Aston, an actress. 

“Class Act is essentially a night of theater that takes place the final day before students go on winter break. It’s the Acting I and II classes and they put on a night full of monologues, there’s a few songs this year, short scenes that are self-written or taken from published plays, and it’s just a grand old time! It’s not like our fall play or musical, it’s just a bunch of things that are just random. None of them are connected. My acting class, we’re putting on a parody of a popular musical. With… Taylor Andrews, I’m doing a scene from ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ by William Shakespeare. I’m also going to put together a monologue. Come see Class Act! If you’re in Park Players, it counts as an hour toward Park Players points,” says Alex Fabrizio, an actor. 

As you can tell, it is quite a busy time in Acting I and II, but the actors’ hard work is sure to pay off in the end. These students are extraordinarily talented, whether they’re performing a song, play, or monologue. Overall, whether or not you’re involved in the arts, it is not an event to miss. If you’re free on December 20, come see ‘A Class Act’! You’ll be impressed by the extreme local talent we have here at WPHS. 

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