When you think of West Virginia, what’s the first thing you think of? The tall trees? Camping? Being surrounded in nature? Bears? You can experience how beautiful WV is at a camp called REAP, which stands for Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan. Started by Sen. Joe Manchin, this program’s main goal is to keep WV clean and pollution-free.
All public middle schools in Ohio County attend this two-day camp held at Oglebay, while high schoolers can apply to be counselors. REAP helps the youth of West Virginia be in touch with nature and learn how to help our planet.
High-schoolers can apply to be counselors through the administrator who runs the program, Mrs. Morgan Bayes. Several high-school counselors who have been both participants and counselors had lots of positive comments to say.
“It was so much fun, but I’m sad it is my last year,” Senior, Kendyll Shreve, said.
“REAP was similar to when we were younger, it was just like playing again,” Senior, Haley Miller, said.
“I love mentoring, so REAP was such a perfect fit for me,” Senior, Civita Hooper, said.
All three counselors believe REAP will help them in the future. At REAP you learn about nature while having a fun summer camp-like experience. Being a counselor involves mentoring, one-on-one time with the kids, and leadership. The program gives kids the opportunity to authentically be themselves and to simply have fun with one another.
The counselors also get to have a similar experience they had as campers by participating in the various activities and games. They get the opportunity to be a role model for the campers and guide them through activities in the Oglebay forest, creeks, and other outdoor areas. This program has helped connect kids who might have never known each other, as well as giving counselors volunteer opportunities to give back to their middle schools.
If you have not attended REAP or signed up to be a counselor, it is an amazing opportunity that you should consider!
Wave hunway • Sep 22, 2023 at 1:02 pm
Well informed article.