Senior Spotlight: Dia O’Bryant

Vidia O'Bryant

Vidia at Prom and as a baby consistently giving the confident energy we know and love!

Taylor Andrews, Managing Editor

The Park Press’s favorite sassy Leo has blazed a trail to success during her time at Wheeling Park High School. Dia O’Bryant is not only Editor in Chief of the paper, but also a debate state champion.

She’s attending Baruch College in New York City with a major in English Literature; however, she has a lot of fond memories to bring with her from Wheeling Park High School.

“My favorite memory this year was going to states for debate.” O’Bryant said. “Especially as a division leader I was so proud both days watching everyone debate. Especially as a senior it was a lot to take in that it was the last time I was debating. I enjoyed spending time with people I consider my family. I had a great time and I enjoyed being with everybody.”

Dia has made strong relationships during her time at Park with students and teachers alike.

Mrs. Kayla Nelson, one of the debate team coaches, has worked with Dia for two years.

When asked what she’ll miss about her, Nelson answered, “Everything. Her morning visits, her enthusiasm, her genuine demeanor. She’s just overall a good person. She’s been a great student and a wonderful debater, an excellent mentor. I can’t say enough good things about her.”

Mrs. Jamie Johnson met Dia her junior year teaching AP English and they’ve had many wonderful memories together.

“This is terrible.” Mrs. Johnson said with a laugh. “We have a love of very similar books and I promised her that I wouldn’t read a specific book until she could also read it at the same time. Well I finished one first and I read it, I just couldn’t stop myself, I was compelled. And I had to apologize to her on Monday and she scolded me severely. She’s a great gal and I’m gonna miss her a lot.”

Hannah Seivertson is a senior who plays on the softball team with Dia and has known her since sixth grade .

“Probably her personality.” Seivertson answered when asked what she’ll miss most about Dia. “She’s very uplifting, she’s hilarious, and she’s just a great friend.”

Rylin Russell met Dia last year when they became debate partners and went on to win the state tournament together, a memory that is fond for both of them.

“She was just so excited about everything and we just had such a good time.” Russell said. “Also going to D.C. with her for nationals, that was so fun.”

Everyone interviewed had parting words to offer to Dia.

“If she just continues driving forward in the way that she always has and the way that I’ve seen her, she will be unstoppable.” Nelson said. “And I hope she comes and visits because I’m gonna miss her.”

“She’s a force to be reckoned with.” Johnson said. “That she might be ready for the world, I’m not sure the world is ready for her. She’s gonna do amazing things and whatever it is she decides to do, she has the determination and the courage to be awesome. I’ll be lucky to say ‘I taught her when…’.”

“I know she’s gonna do big things and I wish her the best of luck.” Seiverston said.

“I want her to know that she can text me anytime and that I’m definitely going to miss her so, so much.” Russell said. “I hope that she doesn’t forget about everyone here because we definitely won’t forget about her.”

Dia has had such a positive influence on all of Wheeling Park High School, and she’s going to be missed dearly.

The Park Press would not be nearly to the level it is today without her, and she will always be a beloved member of the press.