The no-cell-phone-policy has been implemented for almost three nine weeks now, but has student behavior changed?
“It’s an ongoing issue with teenagers and battling sometimes. We’re trying to do our best to help everyone for their grades, for their attendance and their mental health,” said assistant principal, Mr. Skrzypek.
The state audit from West Virginia Department of Education reported that we have an excellent cell phone policy in comparison with schools across the state.
Mr. Skrzypek thinks having a policy of no cellphones in school has some merit with eliminating a lot of the gray areas of behavior. He thinks we are doing a lot better than last year.
“There are less fights, less vapes, less meetups in the bathroom,” said Skrypek. He also believes that the policy is going to help for better attendance and better grades, which is what students are here for.
Mrs.Dailer is pleased with our no-cell-phone-policy as well. Mrs. Dailer has seen some gains academically.
“In the first 9 weeks, we had 25 fewer failures, and we do really believe that’s because kids are more engaged in the classroom,” said Dailer.
How is the next school year looking with cell phones, you may ask?
“We are always looking to tweak or make things better so we can come together as an administration and with our country administration and try to make it the best that we can!” said Skrypek.
Across the school, level three and level four infractions have decreased by a significant margin this school year. These are the highest behavior issues. The no-phone-policy seems to help combat fighting,vaping, and more serious discipline infractions.
Ms. Mathieu, school counselor and voice of Counselor’s Corner, thinks the policy really helps students focus on school work and are more attentive at the class.
“From a school counseling perspective, I think the phone policy has been really successful for a couple different reasons. Our first semester grades for freshmen really improved this year, and I do think that could be related to the phone policy,” said Mathieu. “I also feel that it helps with the level of interpersonal conflicts that occur throughout the school day. Students aren’t always able to immediately respond and engage in drama. I definitely think it’s been a success so far.”