How long do high school relationship last? According to The National Institute of Health adolescent “relationships appear to be relatively short, lasting on average about 12 months.”
Avah and Jack have been together for almost 4 years, since their freshman year. They are currently both seniors and defying the odds.
Avah and Jack’s friends set them up for freshman homecoming and people started to ask them if they were dating. Jack popped the question and asked Avah if she would like to be his girlfriend and, of course, she said yes!
They have gone on vacations together since freshman year as well. They went to the beach and Cedar Point a couple of times. They also have traveled to Lake Erie! They have so much fun being together and traveling.
What is the secret to their longevity success?
Whenever Avah and Jack have a small little disagreement, they talk to each other about it until everything is okay.
” I will always choose him and make things right between us no matter what the issue is,” said Ava Young.
When the focus is long term, little scuffles and disagreements should be handled with good communication and listening.
“I want my future to be with Avah Young after high school,” said Jack Klein.
¨ Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”