In the bustling hallways of Wheeling Park High School, a group of individuals often goes unnoticed despite the hard work they do for everyone. Our lunch workers at WPHS are genuinely remarkable. Their hard work and dedication go beyond the kitchen and into the hearts of our students and staff.
From early morning preparations to the final cleanup, our lunch workers exhibit phenomenal dedication and hard work. Their day typically begins before the first bell rings as they cook, cut, and prepare nutritious meals for our students.
“We get our food ready to go, and then by 10:20, it’s time to start serving,” said Linda Poplawski, a current cafeteria worker for WPHS.
Not only do they prep our main courses, but they also take the time to hand pack our Park-Cuterie and wrap boxes for students who may need alternative meals. They also help other schools throughout the county prep the food they need to serve their own students.
“We don’t just cook for Park down there. We cook for the outside schools because we only have certain kitchen equipment here that can’t fit in the outside schools, so it’s not just Park we are cooking for. And it definitely adds to the shoulders of the staff down there, ” said Miss Little, a former worker in the WPHS Kitchen.
In addition, our workers face challenges such as understaffing, equipment malfunctions, and more, which can add to the difficulty of their jobs.
“We have a really good crew, and I love seeing the kids every day, but it is a very hard job,” said Poplawski.
Beyond their responsibilities, lunch workers often serve as friendly faces and sources of comfort for students. For many children, especially those from low-income families, the meals provided at school may be the most substantial and nutritious food they receive all day. Cafeteria workers, therefore, play a pivotal role in combating food insecurity and fostering a supportive school environment.
As we recognize all that these workers do for us every day, it’s true that their hard work and dedication go beyond the kitchen. They serve more than just food; they serve love and kindness to each student every day. They make our school a better place, and they wholeheartedly deserve our gratitude and appreciation.