Mrs. Unique Murphy is ready for the month of October in her own way!
Her big event for the month is a FREE get-ready event on October 21st for homecoming! It will take place at The House of Carpenter on Wheeling Island. She will have dresses, button-ups, ties, stylists, and makeup artists there that day!
Secondly, the week of October 23rd is Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is “a substance abuse and drug-free campaign.” Mrs. Murphy has activities planned with Mr. Danny Doyle, who is in charge of the Game. There will be a wear red day, where they will also explain what Red Ribbon Week is, and why it matters to us. Officer Wilson and Renee Lucas from the YWCA, through the YSS, will be doing a video that will talk about what our school’s policy is regarding drugs. They want to “promote a substance-free campus.”
Mrs. Murphy would also like to do an attendance competition between each grade’s Developmental Guidance class!
Lastly, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Ms. Unique is partnering with Mrs. Haley Reed from the YWCA who is our school’s teen dating violence advocate.
“We are going to do a bulletin board across from counseling. We’re going to do a big reveal in there as well for the Domestic Violence Awareness Month,” said Mrs. Unique.
They will also be doing a video for students to watch in DG to give an overview of what teen dating violence looks like or can look like.
“A lot of our students don’t know they experienced it or don’t realize that they are experiencing it,” said Mrs. Unique.
As always, Mrs. Unique has her ‘resource closets’ available, including food pantries, clothing, and hygiene closets. If you need any of these resources, see her in Student Management for help. If you have any questions email her at [email protected], or just send her a Schoology message!