When the opportunity arose for senior drivers to paint their parking spots this year, most students were overjoyed. For the price of $50, senior student drivers can have an assigned parking spot that they can design however they want, that is utterly and completely theirs. The new parking situation just started this year when senior Student Council president Lucy Aderholt brought the idea to the Wheeling Park administration.
“They’re blocking out the first two rows by the busses for senior’s painted parking spots,” Senior Lucy Aderholt says. “From 8am to 4pm, seniors who turn in a form, get it approved, and get their design approved will have the opportunity to come to the school and paint their parking spots.” The opportunities are endless for how you can paint and design the spot, as long as your design gets approved.
Although the idea sounds new and exciting, not all members of the student body are thrilled about this new arrangement. Because seniors are getting assigned spots for their designs, the rest of the student drivers are getting assigned spots too. Now, senior drivers leave the back lot first and the junior and sophomore drivers leave later. Before, whoever parked at school the earliest got their pick of the litter. The “first come first serve” rule that served in the past no longer applies. Students are worried that the idea of assigned parking spots won’t work the way they’re supposed to. Junior Lexi Irwin questions, “What if someone parks in your spot? Then you would have no spot.”
Another concern facing drivers is backing into a spot. Before, it was optional whether you wanted to pull your car into a spot or back in. Now, backing in is mandatory if your assigned parking spot is in an area where you must back in. This is especially difficult for new drivers that do not have a backup camera.
Junior Campbell Hughes says, “I am not confident in my ability to back up into my spot with a lack of a backup camera.” Campbell is one of many drivers who feel insecure about their ability to back up. Sophomore Grace Tamburin says, “Backing into spots is kind of difficult because there are a lot of people usually in the parking lot.”
Although there are mixed opinions regarding the new parking lot situation, students are hopeful for how everything will turn out.
“I am very excited to paint my spot and I feel it is a cool thing seniors can do to remember their time at Park,” Senior Ella Benner says. “ I am painting mine a Taylor Swift-themed getaway car.” Time will tell how everyone feels, but for now, students are hopeful about the new parking spot situation and are excited about how their spots will turn out.