Eagle’s Eye View: Summer


Jana Schodzinski, Business Manager

With summer quickly approaching, many WPHS students are eager to get off school. Between swimming and working, there are many reasons to be excited for the dog days. To learn about more reasons to be excited, I interviewed some patriots to see what they’re looking forward to. 

“I’m excited for summer because I like summer fashion and getting tan”, says Adeline Schimnoski. 

“I’m excited to get tan and sleep in every day”, says Reagan Hughes. 

“No school, y’know?”, says Jessamine Schmidt. 

“I’m excited for school to end and for the weather to get warmer”, says Lee Braden. 

“I am excited to go swimming and eat popsicles on my porch in the warm weather”, says Anna Contraguerro. 

Even teachers are excited for summer! 

“My youngest son is getting married on August 14th, so I’m excited for the festivities leading up to the wedding. Also, my granddaughter will be spending more time at my house, so I’m excited to be spending more time with her”, says Mrs. Herron.

“I’m probably most excited to be able to hang out with my dog all summer”, says Mr. Cirilli. 

“I’d probably say I’m most excited for road trips”, says Ms. Kuwik. 

“I love gardening and I grow a bunch of tomatoes. When they get ripe, my dog steals them”, says Ms. Marshall. 

Sounds to me like everyone at Park can’t wait for summer. Whether you’re delighted by sleeping in or swimming, there’s always something to look forward to. Though you may miss certain aspects of school, such as favorite teachers or classmates, the verdict is clear: summer rules!