A row of poinsettias aligned perfectly along the edge of the PAC stage. A multitude of colorful backgrounds changes as the outstanding members of the music department takes the audience on an unforgettable journey.
Festival of Sound (FOS) is a roughly 28-year tradition showcasing the many talents of the music department. Every December, the PAC stage fills with every single member of the music department. Starting in the summer, the four directors, who include Mr. Birch, Mrs. Greenwood, Mrs. Jingle, and Mr. Poldoski, look “for literature.” Then, they come together to begin their collaborative work.
“We have a board up in the choir office with the information as we go. That’s how the planning starts,” says Mrs. Jingle.
Starting practice after marching season ends, members of the band and Mr. Birch begin breaking down the music to give the best performance they can give. A senior trumpet player, Morgan Charley, says, “I feel more prepared than normal, but I also am nervous because it is our last one.” The band, orchestra, and choir work harmoniously to give the audience an experience of a lifetime.
Wrapped around the front of the stage, dressed in black suits and gowns, the orchestra adds a feel to the show. Members work hard to ensure a fluent performance.
“I practice a lot, and I play every day in class,” Kyria Riddle says.
Kyria, while being a member of the orchestra, is also a member of the steel band. “I’m stressed right now because I started steel band this year, so now I have to be one of the ones running around the entire stage.”
Many students in the music department are involved in different sections.
Mrs. Jingle and Mrs. Greenwood have the biggest section of the music department, the choir. The choir combines all four classes, Concert Choir, Voices of Freedom, Men’s Ensemble, and Young Patriots. Sprawled across the back in a sea of red, black, and blue, the powerful voices of the choir drives the whole program home.
For Taylor Andrews, practice is vital. “For choir, we work on repertoire a lot in class, and we started having some after-school practices. In practice, you want to make sure everything is how it should be, and it’s a lot of people to be working with at once.”
Festival of Sound brings a community together. People sit in the audience and reminisce about their days singing and playing Christmas songs. It’s an evening of delight and pleasure. But don’t take my word for it; you just have to go and see for yourself.