Oh, to be in love…especially on Valentine’s Day. The candy, the flowers, the everlasting connection between people, forever devoted to one another. But for those single people out there, Valentine’s Day is not always fun and games. For some it can be a painful reminder of how unlucky they have been in the hands of love, and for others, it’s just another day. But the day can be just as exciting solo. Here are a few tips on how to celebrate Valentine’s Day without being in a relationship, and it’s all about giving back.
Show Love: There are a lot of people out there who have made a difference in our world, the only thing stopping you from doing something good is you. If there is someone out there who is doing something good but is not being appreciated in the way that they should, you can try and do something about it, whether you thank them, write them a note, get them a card, or just simply tell the person that you appreciate them.
Give Back: Valentine’s Day is a day of love in general, so giving back and doing something good is a way of showing that your heart is full of compassion. Volunteering and doing something kind on Valentine’s Day is an awesome way to celebrate. Another way to spread love would be donating your coats and winter clothes to organizations that help those in need, or putting canned food in donation boxes. After all, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to appreciate love, and it comes in all forms.
So, here’s the point. Valentine’s Day can be celebrated without a significant other. What I am saying is just because you’re single doesn’t mean that you have to compromise the whole day itself, what a waste! Go do something productive,show love. Who knows, maybe next Valentine’s Day Cupid’s kindness will shoot back your way!