Picture from Chris's basketball scrapbook.
Although Chris Miller, has moved as far as Saudi Arabia to Mansfield, Ohio, he didn’t let it stop him from pursuing his special passion for basketball.
Miller ended up moving to seven different schools throughout his early years, due to his father’s job in a worldwide corporation.
“I played every year and I earned a bunch of most valuable player trophies early throughout elementary school which inspired me more to keep playing. I felt like it was something God had given me as a talent,” said Miller.
Miller played point guard and often faced challenges due to his height, but never gave up.
“I was always undersized even when I got moved up from the freshmen team to play Varsity, I was really small,” Miller said. “It was a big challenge to me cause everyone used to say I was too small to play and I’d never dunk so I worked very hard. By the end of my Freshman year, I could pretty much beat all the centers in dunk contests that we had at our school.”
Throughout high school, he became more popular and gained respect from many different people.
“My peers looked at me differently than most athletes because I also skateboarded and did a lot of different things, I wasn’t like a typical athlete. I hung out with all kinds of people and that’s what led to the fact that I got along with everybody. Some people on the football team, basketball team, etc. kind of kept to themselves, but I enjoyed all the different aspects of the people because everyone had something to offer,” said Miller.
Miller won numerous championships throughout grade school and even won the Ohio Division 2 State Championships his Sophomore and Senior year on varsity.
“It was interesting because where we were at in Ohio we were signing autographs and we got to teach a lot of the younger kids which was very important to me. They looked up to me and I enjoyed showing them the basics. I was invited to a lot of the camps around Mansfield, Ohio to help with the kids because they knew I enjoyed it,” said Miller.

Despite Millers’ love for the game, he did not continue to play after graduation.
“By the time I had graduated, I loved the game so much and continued to play the game but I didn’t go to college and play anymore because I had other aspirations,” said Miller.
Miller ended up going to college studying psychology, repair, and art. He later trained as a cage fighter and handled security management. He still loves the game of basketball and plays it as a hobby.