Will Medovic
Wheeling Park's SkillsUSA Chapter sign, right outside Mrs. Hillberry's room.
This is the time of year many Career Technical Education students look forward to. The annual SkillsUSA competition. Mrs. Hillberry is the advisor of SkillsUSA at Wheeling Park.
“The Wheeling Park High School SkillsUSA chapter had been around for many years. It was firmly known as VICA (Vocational Industries of America). Throughout the school year, students can attend the Fall Leadership Conference, Charleston Leadership Academy, and the WV State Leadership and Skills Conference!” Mrs. Hillberry said.
Among SkillsUSA, 98 different contests can be entered such as automotive service technology, culinary arts, job skills demonstration, audio-radio production, and much more.
A select few of Mrs. Dillon’s Radio TV students are heading to SkillsUSA. Here’s what they are most looking forward to:
“I’m looking forward to the experience and taking home a win. Even if I don’t win, the experience is still there and it adds for the future,” said Alex Tennant, presenting in job demonstration.
“… competing with my friends and hopefully winning,” said Kylie Forshey, competing in promotional bulletin board.
“… to compete alongside my friend, seeing how our board turns out, looking at everybody else’s, and bringing home a win,” said Taylor Williams, also competing in promotional bulletin board.
SkillsUSA’s motto, “Preparing for leadership in the world of work,” encompasses the fact that they want to see their competitors succeed.
SkillsUSA separates the country into different chapters among states.
Our SkillsUSA competitors head out to compete next week on March 22nd and 23rd. We wish them the best of luck!