Book Club Poster.
Wheeling Park is now offering an after-school book club. The club will meet once a month after school to discuss books chosen by students. Mrs. Yost, who teaches English, will be the head of the club.
The first book the club will read is Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross.
“I knew there was a lot of hype around the book. It has been all over Book-Tok,” said Yost.
Divine Rivals was on the New York Times bestseller list for most of the year in 2023. This book is a romance with a side of mythological war.
Each student who signed up will receive a borrowed book to read for the month.
“As soon as we have a delivery date for the books, we will set an initial meeting date so we can distribute the books to the students,” said Yost. Mrs. Yost hopes to get the club together in March. They will then have a month to read the book and meet again in April to discuss it.
Sydney Wilson who is a Sophomore joined the book club as soon as she heard about it.
“I love reading, and I am always interested to try new things'” said Wilson. She is excited for a new perspective on the books she reads.
“I think it will be able to help me discuss my emotions and feelings about what I’m reading,” said Wilson.
All students are encouraged to join the new book club.
“We will do our best to accommodate everyone, but the more the merrier,” said Yost.
If you have questions or want to sign up for Book Club, you can visit Mrs. Yost in room 333.