With the second semester in full swing, many students are facing a lack of motivation in the classroom. Harder classwork, fewer holiday breaks, and dreary weather all contribute to the dreaded feeling of the second semester. Students at Park are feeling the effects of this harder end of the year.
“It’s colder, you’re burnt out,” said Maggie Hupp.
“There’s so many breaks in the first semester, but not in the second,” said Izabella Aston.
“SAT season is stupid,” said Bethany Greathouse
The difficulty of schoolwork may have the biggest effect on students. Approaching the peak of the school year, classwork tends to double in difficulty. Here are a few things you can do to increase your focus in the classroom.
One of the most distracting things in the classroom is cell phones. To stay focused and complete all your work, consider putting down that phone and opening up your textbook!
Preparing before class can be one of the biggest helpers in your academic success. Have all your homework and in-class assignments done before you enter the classroom. You’ll be on track to avoid those zeros!
Finally, make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep every school night. Being aware and awake will significantly increase your focus in class and overall success.