Renee McFadden is a Wheeling Country Day School teacher and an Edge Fearless Learning tutor. She has a master’s degree in education and is a reading specialist. With her new certification, Renee started after-school tutoring for WCDS. Soon after this, the head of WCDS, Liz Hofreuter, decided to expand the after-school tutoring program, so she came up with the idea for Edge. She wanted more kids outside of the area to have the ability to be serviced, so Liz created Edge, where tutors would meet online using Zoom. McFadden liked this idea and decided she wanted to join this new program.
The virtual aspect of this program lets Edge’s experienced tutors reach kids they would never have been able to help. “We mostly service boys’ and girls’ clubs throughout the tri-state area, Washington School District, and local sites at Laughlin Chapel and the House of the Carpenter,” McFadden, site coordinator, said.
This program allows such a broad demographic to be reached. No matter what your financial situation may look like, Edge can help you. ” Many of these kids in these after-school programs would not be able to afford this quality of tutoring,” McFadden said.
Edge is a free program that any student can access; donors make this possible. “The donors pay for our tutors,” said McFadden. Thanks to these donors, the sites don’t have to pay for the tutors either.
Many people locally run this program. “As you enter college, we are always looking for new tutors,” said McFadden. Edge is a great way to give back to the community and help the less fortunate. You must be 18 years or older to apply for these positions.