Did you know that September is National Chicken Month? Here at Park, there are many chicken owners and enthusiasts who are celebrating in many different ways. A few chicken fans include Mr. Bloomfield, Arie Friend, and Adeline Schimnoski.
“My favorite thing about raising chickens is they are silly, and they are easy to take care of,” Schimnoski said.
Schimnoski is getting a new flock of chickens this spring and has been a chicken owner in the past. Adeline’s fun fact about chickens is they can lay colorful eggs. She plans on celebrating National Chicken Month by eating lots of chicken.
“I have raised chickens at home, and through work, I have sold chicken feed in the past,” Bloomfield said.
A fun fact from Mr. Bloomfield is that chickens can’t taste capsaicin, which is what makes food spicy. He plans on celebrating National Chicken Month by eating lots of chicken and eggs.
“I personally don’t treat Nation Chicken Month any differently than I do any other month,” said Friend. “I celebrate chickens every day of every month!”
Friend is a proud owner of a flock of around 100 chickens. Her family eats, sells, and donates the eggs her chickens lay.
“Chicken owning is not easy and has its fair share of ups and downs, but it is rewarding in eggcellent all at the same time,” Friend said.
Friend loves to show her love of chickens with her vast collection of chicken attire.
Although it may not be known, September is National Chicken Month, so make sure that you eat plenty of chicken and eggs to celebrate!