One of our most beloved members of the Park Press is graduating this year. This is Devyn Poole’s last year at Park before she goes to West Liberty University where she will major in social work with a minor in criminal justice.
I met Devyn on the first day of freshman year. She has given me advice and has been an amazing friend and mentor every day since we met. I will miss her so much when she leaves but I couldn’t be prouder of her as she moves on to the next chapter of her life. I am so lucky that we met and I got to become friends with such an amazing and kind person. I wish her the absolute best as she moves on to college and the next part of her life.
“We have been friends ever since 2nd grade. We were neighbors. She is very kind, caring, and sweet. She is also very good with kids and wants to help kids. My favorite memory is… going to the mall early, but it was closed so we just walked around Walmart until it opened. I want her to know that I am always going to be with her and I love her so much,” says one of her closest friends, Kathryn Spears.
“I first met Devyn when her older sisters were a part of the Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) here at WPHS. So, that was about 5 years ago. Even as a middle school student, Devyn was mature beyond her years. Since then, she has navigated these Covid high school years with grace and with determination. What I hope Devyn takes with her for life and career are the relationships she has formed through HSTA. Her peers are family and can be counted on for support. Her teachers are now friends for life. We will always be there when she calls.”
“My favorite memory of Devyn would be the times I drove her home from the HSTA club. We would have honest and real conversations about anything and everything. I feel very honored to have been her teacher, and I look forward to being her friend. For life.” Ms. Zumbrunnen, Devyn’s teacher and HSTA advisor said.
“I’m going to miss walking in the halls and seeing all of my friends. I am also going to miss sitting in class and just chit-chatting with teachers. I’m going to miss the relationship with everyone I’ve met in high school,” said Devyn Poole. “One of my favorite memories is going to see a live open heart surgery with HSTA, it was such a fun experience. My advice for incoming freshmen is to not be afraid of high school so don’t waste your time being nervous or overthinking. High school is more of an experience when you just live in the moment.”
The Park Press is going to miss Devyn and we wish her all the best as she moves on to the next chapter of her life.