Jeremiah Jones, also known as J2 Media, has greatly impacted the Ohio Valley with his inspiring photography and videography. Jones joined the Park Press in January of 2023 but in his short time, his photography has enhanced the appearance of our paper.
Jeremiah will attend West Liberty in the fall to major in elementary education. Jeremiah has been in the Beyond ED program for 2 years. He mentored elementary students at Madison, Steenrod, and West Liberty.
Some people have a passion for reading, cooking, or sports, but for Jeremiah… photography is his obsession. Jeremiah started photography on May 27th, 2022, at the Wheeling Ogden Wellness Race, “I lost interest in basketball, so I did the broadcasting stuff. I started taking pictures, and then I got really interested in it,” said Jeremiah.
Mrs. Richards is the associate principal and has been a role model to Jeremiah. Mrs. Richards has created a tight bond with him, “I’ve seen Jeremiah grow from a squirrely freshman, like most boys his age were, to a responsible young man who has found a passion in photography.” As Jeremiah moves onto the next chapter in his life Mrs. Richards passes down some words of wisdom, “Keep his [your] eye on the prize and make sure he [you make] makes the deliberate moves into achieving his [your] goal.”
Jeremiah has had people come and go, but his two close friends stuck with him. Erick Brothers and Brayden Lucas talk about all the great memories they created with Jeremiah. Brayden has known Jeremiah since his freshman year, “My favorite memory with Jeremiah is going to football games my freshman year with him,” said Lucas. Erick has created memories with Jeremiah in the Beyond ED program, “My favorite memory with Jeremiah is being in the Beyond ED program. Just going down to Madison every Friday and playing with some of the kids that go to school there.”
As Jeremiah closes this chapter of his life, the people around him applaud him for his growth and achievements. Jeremiah leaves advice for incoming freshmen, “Be yourself. Stay true to you.”